Our Choice

There are two basic ways to see life and all it encompasses — as being in Divine Order or in random Chaos. And the only difference between Order and Chaos is that Order implies a guiding intelligence and Chaos doesn’t. Even the logical mind can see that there is an incredible amount of detail and organization in everything, even in the smallest atom — so Divine Order it is! I create through the intelligence of Divine Order!

Yin/Yang of Relationships

The universal force of yin/yang sometimes pulls us close together for great purposes and other times pulls us apart (also for great purposes). If you are in a phase of external expansion, embrace it and enjoy those you walk with. Likewise, if you are on the road of internal expansion, embrace this and honor the closeness with self.

Living in the ‘Now’

There is a lot written about living in the “NOW”. It makes sense, we would love to do it and it is very inspiring. It is funny how this concept of living in the now, is one of the very things we put off! We think, “when I retire, on my day off, when the prestentation is done, when I’m out of this traffic…”. But being present in this now, involves permission and trust. Permission to not be prepared and trust that that can never truly happen.

Being prepared is something that we put ourselves through a great deal of stress about. If we aren’t one step ahead, we may miss an opportunity, something important will slip by. But the truth is that all opportunity exists not in the ‘step ahead’, but in the ‘right now’. Even if it looks like something slipped by, consider it a Universal edit and the very best thing that could have happened in the larger picture. Remember, permission and trust. You do not require anyone else’s permission and trust, just yours. Go ahead and make every moment a vacation. After worrying about tomorrow and lamenting yesterday, living with what is, is a vacation!

Law of “Distraction”

There is a lot written on the subject of the “Law of Attraction”, stating how we harmonize things to us according to what we think and speak. So in order to ‘attract’, we ‘distract’ ourselves from thoughts and words that would hold back the manifestation with our ‘positive’ visualizations.

For the most part, this concept is very true, but there is more to it. In order to reach true attraction, we must also heal any conflicts within. For instance, you can think and say that you win the lottery all day long, but if you don’t really believe that you can, you will emit this signal as well. And as a result, will sometimes get what we envision and sometimes not. I have found that if we bring this inner voice into true harmony, there is no necessity for the distraction tactics such as vision boards or affirmations of the desired thing because the signal is clear, constant and in alignment.

Inner exploration and balancing is not hard, it is not time consuming, it isn’t a struggle. Inner healing is about bringing into harmony all fractured views and outlooks. It is about becoming at one with yourself and accepting who you are unconditionally. There is no part of anyone of us that is valueless or wrong. The things that seem that way are really just the parts that we have cast aside. And being set out like that, will continue to pursue us in the form of external events until we let it back in. Once let back in, it becomes whole within us.

If you haven’t done so, decide to begin the inner journey or decide to continue it if you have. Step number one, love and accept yourself unconditionally. Getting in harmony with yourself is really the only journey in town.

In Joy,